Wednesday-thursday 18:00-01:00
Friday-Saturday 17:00-03:00
Closed Sunday-Tuesday
We don’t take any reservation, only drop-in
The Original
Come as you are
Come as you are Björns Bar should be the perfect bar where everything that makes life worth living is available. Björns Bar is the place to look for if you are hungry, thirsty, happy, sad or just at any time when you want to give yourself some extra attention. We love people and especially people who loves food and wine, and we love especially those who have a bit of relaxed attitude to life. Sometimes you want to sit for hours over a glass of wine to analyse and dissect its contents. Sometimes you just want to have a glass of rosé or a shot, we see nothing wrong in either case. Drop your shoulders, take a deep breath and feel a bit better at Björns Bar.
Food from early to midnight
One might think that a wine bar that has such late opening hours should run some simple solutions in the kitchen. But as a back pocket for KOKA restaurant, we have the opportunity to offer a wide selection of really well-cooked food and a large selection of cheeses and hams. Yes, even so good that White Guide classifies Björns Bar on its list of Sweden’s Best Restaurants. That all food is served until closing is probably even unique.
We have a large number of wines which all can be served by the glass. We also have our own wine imports, which means that you can find unique wines at really good prices. With us you will find everything from classical Burgundy to the most unfiltered from Phalz. We think it’s important that you as guests should be able to choose what you want, not to force yourself on any wine philosophy that you may not appreciate.
A gift card for a dining experience is the perfect gift
We have chosen to make a gift card that is valid at all our restaurants within the Kock & Vin Group. Koka, Familjen & Björns Bar. You choose the amount you want the gift card for and how many gift cards you want. The gift card is valid for one year from the date of issue. Our gift cards are delivered by email. The cards can be printed or displayed directly on your phone at the time of redemption.
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031 – 701 79 79
Opening hours:
Wednesday-thursday 18:00-01:00
Friday-Saturday 17:00-03:00
Closed Sunday-Tuesday
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